NOVEMBER 9, 2017
The Price is Right - Pricing Tips to Help You Hit Your Revenue Goals in 2018
Presented by Trevor Stuart-Hill, President at Revenue Matters
Attendees learned why an aligned sales, marketing, revenue management, and digital strategy is critical for success and how we should be
analyzing profitability versus just revenue.
SEPTEMBER 21, 2017
State of the State Industry Meeting
Presented by Visit NC & STR
Historical tourism data for our state, current lodging & travel trends, and forecasts for each major metro for 2018 were reviewed. Attendees also had the opportunity to
participate in discipline specific roundtable discussions to address any challenges they are facing and learn new best practices from peers.
JUNE 8, 2017
Unleashing the Power of LinkedIn to Boost Your Personal Brand
Presented by Amar Sheth, VP of Customer Success at Sales of Life
Attendees learned tactics to update their profiles and how to drive awareness, engagement, and conversations with potential customers.
All attendees also had the opportunity to have professional head shots taken for their profiles.
APRIL 6, 2017
Digital Transformation & Hospitality: How do we meet the needs of guests today and in the future?
Presented by Natalie Osborn, Principal Marketing Consultant for Hospitality and Gaming at SAS Institute
We explored the changing landscape of technology in the hospitality industry and how we can navigate the challenges ahead with data and analytics