
welcome to hsmai southern colorado

Welcome to HSMAI Southern Colorado, whose mission is to grow business at hotels and their partners through fueling sales, inspiring marketing and optimizing revenue.

Fuel Sales
Resources for sales professionals to fuel sales in their organizations, including articles, white papers, conference presentations, and templates.

Inspire Marketing
Inspire your marketing by accessing resources such as case studies of the winners of the HSMAI Adrian Awards competition, insights from industry marketing leaders, and marketing templates.

Optimize Revenue
Optimize your revenue by incorporating principles from HSMAI's Revenue Optimization Conference (ROC) presentations, expert articles, and revenue management templates.

We hope to see you at our monthly educational and networking events.

ro2win - revenue optimization e-course

The Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International and the Institute for Hospitality and Tourism Education and Research at Florida International University are introducing RO2Win, an online revenue optimization course for hospitality professionals,that trains a team to optimize every opportunity to increase hotel revenue.

RO2Win presents concepts and tactics in an innovative and engaging format, using animations and in-depth interviews with experts. From sales and marketing to the on-property guest experience, RO2Win teaches each and every team member the power of revenue optimization, cross selling and upselling.

hsmai roc

What's new at HSMAI's Revenue Optimization Conference (ROC) Americas, Wednesday, June 22, 2016, in New Orleans? Plenty.
Here's an example of the #HSMAINewROC:
Fifteen breakout session organized in 3 tracks
Three options will be offered during each block of breakout sessions and will be organized into Leadership, Distribution, and Best Practices tracks. Among the session titles:



  • Picking the Next Big Winner: How Investors Breakdown Brands, OTA's and Disruptors
  • The ROI of RM/Owner Relationships
  • An Exercise in Valuation

  • Mobile: Why the largest opportunities are in the smallest moments
  • Disruptors & Alternative Accommodations
  • Distribution Parity: Where Do We Go From Here?

Best Practices:
  • Maximizing Ancillary Revenues: Restaurant, Spa, & Meeting Space RM
  • The Voice of the Customer: What Revenue Management Needs to Know about Third Parties
  • Data Visualization Tools and Techniques

ROC 2016 will focus on The Many Faces of Revenue Management. To be successful in hotels today, a revenue management leader must master many roles: analyst, strategist, tactician, communicator, thought leader, team builder, data advocate, distribution specialist, digital marketer, and more.
The 2016 conference will deliver the insights and expertise you need to develop these skills and talents in yourself and your team while maintaining a focus on the core of the profession: Optimizing Revenue.

» Learn more and register today
» Pre-ROC Opportunities
» Become a partner

chapter events

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new member spotlight

Join us in welcoming the following new members
to the HSMAI Southern Colorado family:

Cheyenne Motto  | DoubleTree by Hilton Colorado Springs

renewed member spotlight

Thank you to the renewing members
of the HSMAI Southern Colorado family:

John Kerr | Garden of the Gods Club and Resort
Christina Pedersen | Garden of the Gods Club
Katherine Reak | Colorado Springs CVB
Lauren Shawcross | DoubleTree by Hilton Colorado Springs
Pamela Sherfesee | Colorado Springs CVB

membership benefits

Please CLICK HERE for a copy of our
Member Benefits presentation